identificationInfo [ComponentId=‘’] [ref=‘lia-parser-lp’]:
resourceName [cmd=‘lia-parser-lp’] [xml:lang=‘en’]: The LIA parser
resourceName [xml:lang=‘no’]: LIA-parseren
description [ref=‘lia-parser-lp’] [xml:lang=‘en’]: The LIA parser is a dependency parser for spoken Norwegian dialects trancribed to Nynorsk. The parser is trained on the LIA Treebank.
The LIA parser is a so-called transition-based dependency parser, UUParser, developed at Uppsala University.
description [ref=‘lia-parser-lp’] [xml:lang=‘no’]: LIA-parseren er ein dependensparser for transkripsjoner av norske dialekter på nynorsk. Parseren er trent på LIA-trebanken. LIA-parseren er ein såkalla transition-based dependensparser, UUparser, utvikla ved Uppsala Universitet.
resourceShortName [ref=‘lia-parser-lp’]: LIA parser
url [ref=‘lia-parser-lp’]:
metadataInfo [ComponentId=‘’] [ref=‘lia-parser-lp’]:
metadataCreationDate: 2024-04-08
metadataLastDateUpdated: 2024-01-10
metadataCreator [ref=‘lia-parser-lp’]:
actorInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
personInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
organizationInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
organizationName: The Text Laboratory
organizationShortName: Textlab
departmentName: Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo
communicationInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
address: Box 1102 Blindern
validationInfo [ComponentId=‘’] [ref=‘lia-parser’]:
validationModeDetails [ref=‘lia-parser’]: In order to quantify the parsability i.e. the quality that can be induced by a parser based on the annotations of the treebank; we partitioned the treebank in n folds and performed a n-fold cross validation with n=5 (given the size of the treebank):
UAS (unlabelled attachment score): 85.23
LAS (labelled attachment score): 80.01