identificationInfo [ComponentId=‘’] [ref=‘lia-treebank’]:
resourceName [ref=‘lia-treebank’] [xml:lang=‘nb’]: LIA-trebanken
resourceName [ref=‘lia-treebank’] [xml:lang=‘en’]: The LIA Treebank
description [ref=‘lia-treebank’] [xml:lang=‘en’]:
The LIA Treebank includes 7536 speech segments and 77 701 tokens from
LIA Norwegian. The treebank is annotated with morphological and
dependency-style syntactic analysis and manually corrected. The treebank
is available in three versions: A downloadable version in conllx
format, a searchable version in the search interface Glossa and a
downloadable version in in conllu format. The conllu version is
automatically converted to Universal Dependencies and includes 5250
speech segments and 55 410 tokens.
LIA Norwegian is a speech corpus with old recordings (1939 - 1996) from four Norwegian universities: NTNU, UoB, UoO and UoT.
description [ref=‘lia-treebank’] [xml:lang=‘nb’]:
LIA-trebanken består av 7536 talemålssegment og 77 701 ord/token frå
talespråkskorpuset LIA norsk. Trebanken er annotert morfologisk og
syntaktisk og manuelt korrigert. LIA-trebanken er tilgjengelig i tre
versjoner: en nedlastbar versjon i conllx-format, en søkbar versjon i
søkegrensesnittet Glossa og en nedlastbar versjon i conllu-format.
Conllu-versjonen er automatisk konvertert til Universal Dependencies og
inneholder 5250 talemålssegment og 55 410 ord/token
LIA norsk er et talespråkskorpus med gamle opptak (1939 - 1996) fra fire norske universitet: NTNU, UiB, UiO og UiT.
resourceShortName [ref=‘lia-treebank’] [xml:lang=‘en’]: The LIA Treebank
resourceShortName [ref=‘lia-treebank’] [xml:lang=‘nb’]: LIA-trebanken
url [ref=‘lia-treebank’]:
url [ref=‘lia-treebank’]:
validationInfo [ComponentId=‘’] [ref=‘lia-treebank’]:
validationModeDetails: The treebank is manually corrected by at least one person
validationExtent: partial
validator [ref=‘lia-treebank’]:
actorInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
organizationInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
organizationName: The LIA project
organizationShortName: LIA
departmentName: Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies, University of Oslo
communicationInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
address: Box 1102 Blindern
resourceDocumentationInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
documentationUnstructured [ComponentId=‘’] [ref=‘lia-treebank’]:
(In Norwegian)
documentationStructured [ComponentId=‘’] [ref=‘lia-treebank’]:
documentInfo [ComponentId=‘’]:
title: The LIA Treebank of Spoken Norwegian Dialects
author: Lilja Øvrelid, Andre Kåsen, Kristin Hagen, Anders Nøklestad, Per Erik Solberg and Janne Bondi Johannessen
editor: Nicoletta Calzolari et al
bookTitle: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation