NEALT EC: Minutes from business meeting - 2007
The first business meeting of NEALT was held in Tartu in connection with NODALIDA 2007.
Time: Saturday, May 26, 2007, 16.00-17.00
Place: Conference Centre of the Tartu University Library.
- Kimmo Koskenniemi was elected chairperson for the meeting.
- Janne Bondi Johannessen was elected secretary for the meeting.
- Victoria Rosén and Trond Trosterud were elected as members to check
- the minutes of the meeting. The meeting established that the meeting was properly convened.
- Kimmo Koskenniemi presented the President's report.
- Joakim Nivre presented the Treasurer's Annual Financial and Membership Reports. A member suggested that the full member list should be available for all the members. The meeting decided that the Executive Committee looks into this, to see whether it is or can be in acordance with Swedish law (since the association is registered in Sweden) and in what way.
- Robin Cooper presented the accounts Auditor's report.
- The meeting adopted the reports and accounts.
- The annual Membership Dues for the following two years for each type of Member: Supporting Members and Regular Members of two types, Normal Members and Student Members were established to be EUR 200, 0 and 0, respectively.
- The new Executive Committee was elected, as follows, on the basis of suggestions from the Nominating Committee:
President - Kimmo Koskenniemi, Finland
Vice president - Eirikur Rögnvaldsson, Iceland
Secretary - Janne Bondi Johannessen, Norway
Treasurer - Joakim Nivre, Sweden
Editor in Chief - Mare Koit, Estonia
Member - Inguna Skadina, Latvia
Sabine Kirchmeyer-Andersen (Denmark) and Pavel Skrelin (Russia) were elected as Nomination Committee (following suggestions from members at the meeting).
- Robin Cooper (Sweden) and Helena Ahonen-Myka (Finland) were elected as Accounts Auditor and Deputy Auditor, respectively (following suggestions from the members at the meeting).
- No other business was discussed.
KimmoKoskenniemi - 2008-11-22