Heritage language list

Heritage language list is a news list for linguists who are interested in and do research on heritage languages. The list is moderated at the University of Oslo and is called heritage-language-list@iln.uio.no.

The list is meant for information on strictly relevant workshops and literature. There will probably not be a lot of traffic on this list. For example, the list will be used to advertise the next Annual Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (read about previous workshops here).

Please distribute this list to people who might be interested.

Join heritage language-list
Join heritage language-list by filling out this form.

Unsubscribe from heritage language-list

Contact Kari Kinn (University of Bergen): Kari.Kinn at uib.no or Joseph Salmons (University of Wisconsin, Madison): jsalmons@wisc.edu if you have questions about the list.



Norwegian in America