The Norwegian Dialect Corpus is the Norwegian part of the Nordic Dialect Corpus. In version 4.0 it contains recordings from 111 selected locations in Norway. This includes recordings from NORMS, see the bottom of the page. The recordings have been transcribed both phonetically and orthographically. They are also grammatically tagged. Through a user-friendly, web-based search interface, you can search the entire corpus via either transcription type, and you can choose to search through the grammatical tags. The results are displayed with the audio and video, and are available for further processing. In version 3.0 the Norwegian Dialect Corpus also includes recordings from Målførearkivet, see the bottom of the page. These recordings and transcriptions are now available in LIA Norwegian - Corpus of historical dialect recordings
Recording Locations and Selection of Informants At each measuring point there are four informants: Informants should ideally be born and raised at the actual measuring point, and should not have lived away for more than seven years. They should not have higher education; small places usually have no education institutions, so higher education often means that people have lived away from home for a long time. The informants take part in three activities with the project assistants: interview, conversation and questionnaire: Interview Conversation Questionnaire Storage of data Since we store the recordings of the informants and make them available, the project is subject to the guidelines from the Norwegian Data Inspectorate (NSD). This limits how much private information the informants may provide about themselves. We tell the informants during the fieldwork not to disclose sensitive personal information about themselves and others. Some deviation from the selection criteria
- In version 3.0: Recordings from the Dialect Archive at the University of Oslo (Search in Målførearkivet) - Recordings done during excursions at workhops arranged by the Nordic Center of Excellence in Microcomparative Syntax (NORMS).
The Dialect Archive recordings are 40-50 years old, and have been selected from the same measurement points as the current ones, to the extent that it has been possible. With the NORMS-recordings we have had less control over the informant selection, and it will typically be deviations from the norm for age, education, etc. The field work has been done by different people concerning the project. See under the tab Project Info. |