Nordic Dialect Corpus comprises recorded speech data from the Nordic countries, in languages that belong to the North Germanic language family. Below, you will find information about the data collection for each country represented in the database.
Map of recordings. List of Norwegian recording locations. Denmark
The University of Aarhus and the University of Copenhagen have been responsible for the main bulk of the collection of modern Danish dialect data via the DanDiaSyn project. In addition, conversations were recorded during a NORMS dialect workshop in Western Jutland in January 2008.
Recording period: 2007-2008.
People involved
The DanDiaSyn recordings: Henrik Jørgensen (U.Aa), Sten Vikner (U.Aa) and Karen Thagaard Hagedorn (U.Aa), Karen Margrethe Pedersen (KU) and Lena Wienecke Andersen (KU).
The NORMS recordings: Janne Bondi Johannessen (UiO) and Åshild Søfteland (UiO).
Financed by: DanDiaSyn (Forskningsrådet for Kultur og Kommunikation) and NORMS (NOS H-S).
We have no recordings from Swedish in Finland. See the Talko Corpus.
Faroe Islands
The Faroese data were recorded during a NORMS dialect workshop in the Faroe Islands.
Recording period: August 2008.
People involved
Recordings: Janne Bondi Johannessen (UiO) and Karine Stjernholm (UiO), Zakaris Svabo Hansen (FU), Petra Eliasen (FU) and Rakul Napoleonsdóttir Joensen (Aa.U).
Financed by: NORMS (NOS H-S).
Most of the Icelandic data were recorded during the summer of 2013 and 2015 were not present in version 1.0.
The work was financed by the Directorate of Labour (Vinnumálastofnun) with a matching fund from the Institute of Linguistics (Málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands) awarded to Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson.
Þorbjörg Þorvaldsdóttir recorded and transcribed all of the 2013 recordings. Ingólfur Eiríksson recorded and transcribed the 2015 recordings included in the 2017 version of the corpus.
Two Icelandic recordings were given to thecorpus by Háskóli Íslands.
Contact person: Ásta Svavarsdottir (HI)
The other Icelandic data were recorded during the NORMS dialect workshop in the Faroe Islands among Icelandic linguists.
The Text Laboratory, UiO, has the main responsibility for the collection of modern Norwegian data via the NorDiaSyn project. NTNU has been responsible for the counties of Trøndelag, and UiT for North Norway. Some recordings were also done during two NORMS dialect workshops. In version 3.0 the older Norwegian data has been provided
by Målførerkivet (Oslo Old Dialect Archive) and Norsk Ordbok 2014. (Version 4.0 is without the Målførearkiv material which is moved to the corpus LIA Norwegian - Corpus of Old Dialect Recordings.)
The bulk of the Swedish data recordings has been generously provided by the SweDia 2000 project via the SweDiaSyn project to this corpus. The data from Älvdalen were recorded during a NORMS dialect workshop.
Recording period: 2007 and 2008
People involved
The SweDia 2000 recordings: Anders Eriksson (GU), Henrik Rosenkvist (LU) and Lars-Olof Delsing (LU).
The NORMS recordings: Lars Stensland (LU), Janne Bondi Johannessen (UiO), Karine Stjernholm (UiO), Åshild Søfteland (UiO) and Signe Laake (UiO)..
Financed by: SweDia 2000 (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond), SweDiaSyn (Vetenskapsrådet), NORMS (NOS H-S).