
Search field

Type a search expression (a whole word or a part of a word) here.


Choose which language you want to search in and which language the result shall be translated into. There are four options:

The results are always ordered by the Romani words.

Search options

Specify how to use the search expression.

Word class

Filter results by word class by clicking 'Filter'. A list will appear, letting you choose which word classes or parts of speech you want to include in the search.


Filter results by source by clicking 'Filter'. A list will appear, letting you choose which sources you want to include in the search.

Source language

Filter results by source language by clicking 'Filter'. A list will appear, letting you choose the languages the words searched stem from.

The results

In case your search was successful the results will be displayed alphabetically.

Click on the abbreviations in the results to find out what they mean.


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