Presentations and publications based on Norwegian Words

Hansen, P., Holm, E., Lind, M., og Simonsen H.G. (2011). Collecting imageability ratings for Norwegian nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Poster presented at NorClinLing, Gran, Norway, 5.-7. May 2011.

Lind, M., Simonsen, H. G., Hansen, P. og Holm, E. (2012) Name relatedness and imageability. Poster presented at ICPLA 14 in Cork, Ireland, June 2012.

Lind, M., Simonsen, H.G., Hansen, P., Holm, E. & Mevik, B.-H. (2013) ”Ordforrådet” – en leksikalsk database over et utvalg norske ord. Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi, årgang 59, nr 1, s. 18-26.

Simonsen, H.G., Lind, M., Hansen, P., Holm, E. og Mevik, B.H. (2013) Imageability of Norwegian nouns, verbs and adjectives in a cross-linguistic perspective. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics.

Ribu, I.S.B. (2012) An image is worth a thousand sounds? On imageability and phonological neighborhood density effects in speech processing. MA thesis, ILN, UiO.

Lind, M.; Simonsen, H. G.; Hansen, P.; Holm, E. (2014). Norwegian words: A lexical database for researchers and clinicians. Oral presentation at ICPLA 15, Stockholm, June 2014

Lind, M.; Simonsen, H. G.; Hansen, P.; Holm, E. & Mevik, B.-H. (2015). Norwegian Words: A lexical database for clinicians and researchers. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 29(4), p. 276-290