
The level of activity of research on Norwegian heritage language in America has varied considerably over nearly a hundred years, as can be seen on these pages. The latest wave began in 2010 under the name NorAmDiaSyn (Norwegian American Dialect Syntax). The project was initiated by Professor Janne Bondi Johannessen in connection with the Nordic and Norwegian dialect projects ScanDiaSyn and NorDiaSyn, and funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The numerous publications, workshops and fieldwork trips show that many researchers have been inspired to investigate this exciting variant of Norwegian.


Special edition of Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift

Special edition of Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift: Vol 30, Nr 2 (2012) Norsk i Amerika (Norwegian in America)
Guest editors: Janne Bondi Johannessen and Joseph Salmons Read more (in Norwegian)


Selected literature about Norwegian language in America

Please send us information about articles and books that are not included in this overviews below, but should have been there.

Older literature 1897 — 1990s:

The Norwegian Language in America - Bibliography (pdf)

Recent literature 1990s — 2016

Norwegian in America Bibliography 1990s — 2016 (pdf)


Workshops: Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA)

The next WILA will be arranged 2. - 4. October 2025 at University of Stavanger.


Useful links


CANS — Corpus of American Nordic Speech

Danish Voices in the Americas

Heritage language list

LAVA: Language Acquisition, Variation and Attrition

LIA Norwegian - Corpus of Old Dialect Recordings

Nordic Dialect Corpus and Syntax Database


Norwegian across the Americas

Scandinavian Heritage Languages in America

Swedish in Amerika

University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Immigrant Norwegian in the Upper Midwest


The promise of America

Misjonsforeninger og amerikabrev

Suget frå Amerika

Utvandring fra Norge
